Re: [hatari-devel] VME access

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

As Thorsten mentioned, all that would be useless
until some actual VME HW is also emulated.

That is not strictly true. The SCU (or its future emulation) also
handles interrupt routing for on-board interrupts. I.e., you can mask
interrupts (such as for example the MFP) and you can even raise
interrupts by writing to SCU registers. This is probably rarely used,
but it is not correct that the SCU is only required when emulating VME
bus cards.

Thomas, it's about interrupt handling and based on
comments seems to e.g. redirect FDC interrupts:

In this code snippet, "FDC" does not refer to the floppy disk controller
(or to interrupts, at all). It's a typo in the comments. Looking at the
actual code, it become apparent that this bit of code is related to
setting the *FC* mask and value of one of the transparent translation
registers. This is indeed only required when using actual VME bus cards.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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