Re: [hatari-devel] About RAM size comments (commit 6c827e5)

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On 1/2/21 4:47 PM, Christian Zietz wrote:
sorry for this probably nit-picky question, but I just saw this commit:
... and wondered what the machine names in the comments in
STMemory_RAM_Validate_Size_KB are supposed to mean. Maximum ST-RAM
supported by the respective machine *without* hardware modifications?

The comments that state it to be max, mean that
given amount is max for those machine types:
- 10MB: max for MegaSTE & TT (due to VME)
- 14MB: max for Falcon

AFAIK they don't support more ST-RAM even with
HW modifications...?

> Then why is the MegaSTE mentioned in the comments for 8 MB and 10 MB?

Why MegaSTE wouldn't support 8MB, when max is 10MB?

From the comments on this patch earlier on the
mailing list, I've understood only 6MB being
a memory amount that's not supported on (any of)
the Atari machines.  I have no clue why though.

	- Eero

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