Re: [hatari-devel] Suspected Hatari 2.3.0 regression (prefetch?)

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Roger Burrows schrieb:

     movem.l  (a0)+,d1-d7/a2-a6         ; copy 48 bytes ***
     movem.l  d1-d7/a2-a6,$1d0(a1)

The crash occurs in the second (and last) time through the loop, at the
instruction marked with *** above.  After that instruction, a0 will point to
$ff9c00 (although that address has not been read, at least from a programming
POV).  The error msg from Hatari is "Bus Error reading at address $ffff9c00".

I know that the 68000 in fact does an extra memory access for MOVEM.x
(Ax)+,... that can cause an unexpected bus error. I'm unsure, however,
if newer 68k CPUs exhibit this side effect, too. To me, the fact that
DELMPAINT runs on a real Falcon without crashing indicates that this
extra access does not happen on a real 68030.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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