Re: [hatari-devel] nf_scsidrv: Support for two buses

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Hi Thorsten,

Initially I was also thinking of this kind of encoding, but then I discarded
this idea. I don't know anymore why, though. I will revisit this.

Best regards


> On Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020 10:05:23 CET Uwe Seimet wrote:
> > @Thorsten Are you reading this? Sooner or later I would also like to update
> > the ARAnyM driver. There are only minor changes.
> Yes.
> But, after a quick look through the diffs: Wouldn't it be easier to just 
> encode the bus index in the id? That way, there won't be much changes needed 
> at all in the interface. Only the TOS part has to be updated.
> Currently, the changes require that you use the *exact* version number of the 
> driver that corresponds to the interface, which is not very practicable, if 
> you use the same driver both for Hatari and Aranym, and they implemented 
> different interfaces (which will almost always be the case, depending on which 
> version of Hatari/Aranym a distribution ships).

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