Re: [hatari-devel] 68010

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Bonsoir Miguel

Hatari is an emulator of Atari machines, but were there ever any with a 68010 ? Not to my knowledge. It can well be that the 68010 is not supported because it uses different stack frames than the 68000, which confuses the line F exception handler... Is there a particular reason you are using 68010 ?


Le 08/12/2020 à 21:03, Miguel Saro a écrit :
I am debugging an old program of mine (1995) with Pure Debugger. PD correctly loads my program if I set CPU: 68000, 68020, 68030. But crash if CPU is 68010. I tried to load other programs, the debugger crashes in the same way whatever my program. see the resulting display below. The other settings are: MegaSTE, 16 Mhz, Ram 8Mo, Screen 800x600 4 colors, Rom eTos100.

M et Y Saro
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Seyssinet: 04 76 21 61 02
Fax: 09 57 91 16 20

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