Re: [hatari-devel] Sparrow TOS 2.07 support

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Am Tue, 17 Nov 2020 09:47:31 +0100
schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi guys,
> there seems to be a regression when it comes to TOS 2.07 support -
> when I change TOS 4.04 to 2.07 ROM and check "reset machine" in the
> UI, latest Hatari master complains that this TOS version doesn't work
> in TT/Falcon mode, switches to STE, causes a double bus error and
> after choosing cold reset it sets back to Falcon mode when it finally
> boots into (red, for some reason) desktop at VGA@71 Hz. I'm pretty
> sure it didn't behave like this before. :)

Indeed, there were two bugs: First, the check for the TOS version was
wrong, and second, seems like GPIP7 is still used on the Sparrow for
monitor detection. Since this got disabled for normal Falcon emulation,
this messed up the resolution setting. Both things should be fixed now.


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