Re: [hatari-devel] macOS : FPU using EmuTOS

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Falcons were shipped by Atari WITHOUT an FPU.
But I think quite a few users may have installed one, but my guess is that most Falcons don't have one as there's not much software taking advantage of it.


On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 2:57 PM Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 04/12/2020 at 13:30, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Real Falcon machines don't have FPU, so Hatari
> doesn't enable it by default for Falcon either.

Er... I recently read somewhere in FreeMiNT's GitHub that FPU-less Falcon
were very rare, not the main case. Someone must be wrong.

NB: Personally, I have very low knowledge about Falcon. So I have no clue of
who is right.

Vincent Rivière

Daniel Hedberg

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