[hatari-devel] ide.c segfault when config changed to Falcon |
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==5845== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==5845== Access not within mapped region at address 0x238
==5845== at 0x49A1A4: ide_ioport_read (ide.c:2324)
==5845== by 0x49A1A4: Ide_Mem_bget (ide.c:119)
==5845== by 0x513454: get_byte (memory.h:557)
==5845== by 0x513454: wait_cpu_cycle_read (custom.c:143)
==5845== by 0x4F0E48: mem_access_delay_byte_read (newcpu.c:8836)
==5845== by 0x877F23: op_4a10_14_ff (cpuemu_13.c:128804)
==5845== by 0x4F649D: m68k_run_1_ce (newcpu.c:5441)
==5845== by 0x4F57D1: m68k_go (newcpu.c:7573)
==5845== by 0x46F489: main (main.c:1010)
If instead of selecting Falcon machine, one
selects TOS4, everything works fine.
I.e. machine change done during TOS version check is OK, one done by
user from SDL GUI is not.
See: https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?p=408749#p408749
Thomas, would you have time to look at this?
- Eero