Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 2.3.0 has been released

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On 11/29/20 1:03 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Here's a new release after nearly 2 years !

You can get it from or directly in
Sources are available, as well as prebuilt binaries for Windows (in 32 
bit and 64 bit mode) and macOS (thanks to Troed).
(note that the Windows binaries don't include PortAudio/PortMidi 
libraries for now, only macOS version does)
See release-notes.txt for the full changelog
This release also feature a guest intro by Evil/DHS and spkr/SMFX, 
available here
Thanks a lot to both of them for coding it !
Gosh, that's nice, I had forgotten that you were
planning releasing demo with every Hatari release!

Like earlier ones, it's a nice and stylish one. :)

Works fine with EmuTOS, in all machines emulated
by Hatari!

	- Eero

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