Re: [hatari-devel] TOS issues with VDI mode (was: I'm back)

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Ok !
question: Mac version must be compiled with cmake, under MacOS 10.15.7 ?

 I'm working for ACONIT association, we have 2200 machines:
Sometimes we organize retro-gaming with somme Atari, Mac, Comodore, Amiga ...etc
At the next retro-gaming I want to have one or 2 posts with the Hatari emulator. 
So I try emulators and I am looking for which games work very well.

Le 9 nov. 2020 à 00:15, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :


On 11/8/20 12:16 AM, Miguel Saro wrote:
I try last binary Hatari and I compare with old (I compiled). I set same preferences.
problem: with 2.2.1 I cannot reduce the width of window C

After some testing with VDI mode, I was able
to reproduce this issue in original TOS.

It requires:
* 2-plane VDI mode
* >=400 screen height

There's a similar bug in vertical direction with:
* 1-plane VDI mode
* <304 screen height


Besides setting screen dimensions related
Line-A and VDI variables, VDI mode selects font
based on screen height (<400 -> 8x8 font,
>=400 -> 8x16 font), and sets font size related
OS variables.

Original TOS versions don't handle all kind of
screen & font size combinations.  EmuTOS does.

=> If you want to use such VDI modes, please use
  EmuTOS. It can handle more screen attribute
  variations than original TOS.

I'll add note of 2-plane issue to docs, and
prevent in Hatari code VDI heights causing
1-plane issue.

- Eero

M et Y Saro
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