Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon demos tests : part 1

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I've tested your version of bound (I didn't have it) and just like you, it works if I press "Enter" but doesn't if I press "Space".

I've tested bound4 and bound5 but "Enter" doesn't work with these 2 demos.

I think these 2 demos were working with previous versions of Hatari. I'll check tonight.



Le 04/11/2020 à 23:32, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 10/31/20 8:22 AM, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
For bounce demo :

My PRG is called : BOUND_FA.PRG  (70588 bytes) )

I've done a git pull and make before launching it.

I'm using the version linked/listed in & demozoo (72044 bytes):

I've got the bouncing ball with a mapped girl.

That version has Marvel character in the ball,
although demo screenshot in has
something else (probably girl like you said).

Once, I had 2 bombs at the end, when I pressed space. The demo didn't return to the desktop.

But I've retested a few times and couln't reproduce this.

Here is my hatari.cfg file if this can help.

Thanks!  On first try with your config, the demo
worked, next ones it didn't.

After trying it many times, my conclusions are:

* If one presses Space key to proceed from text
  screen to actual demo, very often it freezes

* But by using Enter key instead it seems to work

I've added note about this to compatibility doc.

FYI: I always use Space key, unless otherwise
noted in compatibility list.  What about you?

Does your Bound version work reliably also with
Space key?

    - Eero

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