Re: [hatari-devel] Suggested patch to fix problem handling STOP when DSP is active

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On 30 Oct 2020 at 20:20, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> There could be various way to detect if DSP is busy or not, but it can
> also lead to false positive.
> All in all, emulating a falcon is a really complex and cpu intensive
> task (especially if MMU emulation is enabled).
> It could be an optimisation to detect the dsp is not used, but what
> matters to me is "does the pc handle the emulation when dsp is really
> running" (worst case regarding cpu usage).
> If not, I'm afraid turning dsp off automatically will only be a corner
> case and could add more code to maintain to the DSP core.
> But patches are welcome in all cases :)
Thanks!  But in this case, I'm going to try to do it without any changes to


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