Re: [hatari-devel] AES/VDI breakpoints (was: Add some NVDI function names)

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On 10/12/20 3:38 AM, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2020 22:54:18 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:
if VDI_Info() doesn't provide all the
information you need, could you provide a patch
adding them?

VDI_Info() currently relies on printing values that were saved at the last VDI
call. What i was thinking about was to print also the *contents* of the intin
and ptsin arrays. But that cannot reliabe be done much later (look at the
bindings in gemlib for example, most of the time the values are on the stack,
and are not available anymore when the function doing the call is left).

Right, so the data needs to be copied, not the pointers to them.

So i don't think that it currently makes sense to change it, if that all is
going to be redesigned. It's also not that real urgent, i would probably wait
for this until after the release.

	- Eero

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