Re: [hatari-devel] [PATCH] Add some NVDI function names

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On Mittwoch, 30. September 2020 19:13:22 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:


Hmpf. Ma email client fooled me, my last post wa snot yet finished ;)


> but one

> can already do that (with opcodes) using tracing

> breakpoints.


Unfortunately, for VDI- (and also AES-) calls that does not work very well in most cases. In most libraries, there are single vdi() and aes() entry points.


>Each of the nearly thousand TRACE()

>macro calls in the code would eventually need to

>check whether its on deny/allow opcode list:


Erm. I don't get that.....


>it may might catch some subtle bug in app.


Unfortunately that seems be the case for a lot of older applications (including GEMINI, for example).



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