[hatari-devel] Fforce strangeness |
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While doing some tests with fVDI, i'm encountering some strange behaviour:
Looks like every 2nd character that was intended to be redirected to the GEMINI console is lost. This happens on startup, and when switching between file windows and the console. Pressing return in the console almost fixes it, but there are still a few characters missing.
By adding some printf, i see that Gemini does a few Fforce() on startup: GEMDOS 0x46 Fforce(0, 65535) at PC 0x1C5732 (This is actually Fforce(0, -1) etc)
The code in GemDOS_Force() looks rather strange, why are the 2 handles swapped there? Fforce(2, -1) is perfectly valid, but Fforce(-1, 2) is not.
Oh, and don't ask me why that happens only with fVDI, i have no idea :( It works with TOS or EmuTOS, but fVDI does not hook any output vectors yet.
I'm booting from an emulated GEMDOS drive c:
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