[hatari-devel] Bug(s) in GEMDOS Dsetpath() emulation

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There are some related bugs in Dsetpath() handling:

1) Setting the path to '' (the empty string) should be valid, and on Atari TOS 
effectively sets the path to the root of the specified drive; under Hatari's 
GEMDOS emulation, it is rejected.
2) Under both Atari TOS & GEMDOS emulation, you may set the path to the root by 
using a string of a single backslash; however, a subsequent Dgetpath() under 
Atari TOS returns the empty string, whereas under GEMDOS emulation it returns a 
path with a single backslash.

If you need a test program, let me know.  It is written in Lattice C, but it 
does not use anything peculiar to that environment.


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