[hatari-devel] EmuTOS version number display

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Since the most recent official release of EmuTOS (0.9.12), we've added code in 
EmuTOS to provide the EmuTOS version programatically.  I've just added a text 
file to the EmuTOS repo (doc/version.txt) that describes how to access this.  
Note that, except for snapshots or custom-built versions, the first official 
release that will provide this is the next release (expected to be 1.0).

It would be nice if Hatari could display this version number at the bottom of 
the Hatari window, in the same way that it displays the Atari TOS version 

If there are any questions about accessing the version info, please feel free 
to send me an email, or post to the EmuTOS list.


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