Re: [hatari-devel] EKO system regression

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Le 06/10/2019 à 17:38, Roger Burrows a écrit :
On 6 Oct 2019 at 10:59, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

All that put together, maybe the safest way would be build a list of all
known tos and for each tos to store in that list the address in rom of
the handler for trap 1, 13, 14 or any other handler we could want to
patch (line A ?).
This list could also contain an MD5 of each ROM so that Hatari could
confirm a ROM is genuine or not.
There're several language varations for each version, but in the end
maybe it's only 30-40 ROM, which is not that much and the list if finite
(this is for atari's tos, emutos can certainly be handled in some ways)

Please don't let EmuTOS be an afterthought!  It should be easy for EmuTOS &
Hatari to cooperate in fixing this issue.

Yes, that's why I think it's a separate issue.
Atari TOS are not developed anymore, so we can have one kind of solution for these TOS, but it might not apply to emutos.

As emutos is still maintained, there could of course be some cooperation between Hatari and Emutos, for example to add some special hooks for emulator if the emulator want to override the usual TRAP vector.

What I meant is that it's certainly easier to handle the case of emutos once the Atari's TOS are handled.

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