Re: [hatari-devel] TCB 24 hours screen in Syntax Terror

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Le 23/06/2019 à 10:23, Laurent a écrit :
Hi all,

I don't know if this was already discussed here, but I've seen a thread in Facebook about the "TCB 24 hours screen" in the Syntax Terror demo that doesn't work under Steem (the screen seems to show an offset in the bitplans). I've tested under Hatari (nearly latest version), and it seems that I have the same rendering problem.


yes it's a known problem ; the overscan doesn't use a stabiliser on one of the line, which confuses the shifter on a real ST and the coder didn't notice this mistake and compensated it by shifting the bitplane in RAM. But Hatari so far assumes it's a "good" overscan line with usual number of bytes, so the shifted bitplane in ram appear shifted on screen too.

There're several demos with this kind of bug ; for example "ultimate dist" in the Ventura demo

This can be resolved one day when emulating the low level work of the shifter, but it's not done yet.


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