Re: [hatari-devel] TT-RAM support & 32-bit address mode |
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Le 26/02/2019 à 00:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Hi, There's something funky in automatic 32-bit mode addressing enabling for TT-RAM with TT emulation. If I use: hatari --machine tt --tos tos306uk.img --ttram 512 I get the dialog telling that 32-bit addressing is enabled. Then TOS bombs in TT-memory check. EmuTOS boots fine, but Hatari doesn't list any TT-RAM in statusbar. However, if I add "--addr24 off" option, everyhing works fine. Nicolas?
HiI think this problem is similar to the one reported by thorsten in "Quit dialog suggestions" from 10/02/2019.
In some case, 24 bit on/off option is not correctly applied when the cpu core is restarted after changing the option in Hatari.
I started looking at this already some time ago, but it requires some "low level" modificatio0s in the way Hatari interacts with the cpu core and I didn't complete it yet due to lack of time.
But it's on my todo list and will be fixed. Nicolas
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