Re: [hatari-devel] asm56000.ttp relocation info

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On 10/2/18 2:06 AM, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Montag, 1. Oktober 2018 21:45:16 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:

Program doesn't seem to have any relocation data though
Reading symbols from program 'asm56000.ttp' symbol table...
TOS executable, DRI / GST symbol table, reloc=0, program flags: PRIVATE

I think that reloc=0 is only the flag from the header:


m68kdisasm asm56000.ttp
; ph_branch = 0x601a
; ph_tlen = 0x0003c6a0
; ph_dlen = 0x00003244
; ph_blen = 0x000014b2
; ph_slen = 0x0000571e
; ph_res1 = 0x00000000
; ph_prgflags = 0x00000000
; ph_absflag = 0x0000
; first relocation = 0x0000000e
; relocation bytes = 0x00002fd2

So nearly 12k of relocation info.

That binary includes debug symbols, but is the relocation
information for something else than debug symbols?

	- Eero

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