Re: [hatari-devel] asm56000.ttp problem

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On Montag, 1. Oktober 2018 22:36:47 CEST Miro Kropáček wrote:
> there's no way one can have 40 opened file handles in plain TOS

Really sure? What about BigDOS? Or MetaDOS? IMHO a program shouldn't make any 
assumptions about the returned handle, or check its value at least against 
limits it can't handle. I would bet that the handle is directly used as an 
index into some array. Having that said, i could imagine that you get similar 
problems when running programs compiled with mintlib, and set BASE_FILE_HANDLE 
to something like 1024.

>If gemini / mupfel have some other issue than as56000, please mail
>about it separately.

Gemini itself works fine. Only asm56000 had similar problems there, thats why 
i mentioned it. But now we know the reason: the file handles are also offset 
by some too large value.

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