[hatari-devel] IPF error messages

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After following forum post:

I did some changes to shorten and hopefully clarify
IPF error dialog texts.  See attached patch.

Do they look clearer to you, i.e. OK to commit?

	- Eero
--- a/src/floppy_ipf.c	Wed Jul 18 21:52:39 2018 +0300
+++ b/src/floppy_ipf.c	Wed Jul 18 22:32:50 2018 +0300
@@ -135,18 +135,18 @@
 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&StructSize, sizeof(StructSize));
 		if ( ( StructSize == 0 ) && ( sizeof ( IPF_State ) > 0 ) )
-			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "This memory snapshot doesn't include IPF data but this version of Hatari was built with IPF support");
+			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "Hatari built with IPF support, but no IPF data in memory snapshot -> skip");
 			return;				/* Continue restoring the rest of the memory snapshot */
 		else if ( ( StructSize > 0 ) && ( sizeof ( IPF_State ) == 0 ) )
-			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "This memory snapshot includes IPF data but this version of Hatari was not built with IPF support");
+			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "Memory snapshot with IPF data, but Hatari built without IPF support -> skip");
 			MemorySnapShot_Skip( StructSize );	/* Ignore the IPF data */
 			return;				/* Continue restoring the rest of the memory snapshot */
 		else if ( ( StructSize > 0 ) && ( StructSize != sizeof ( IPF_State ) ) )
-			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "This memory snapshot includes IPF data different from the ones handled in this version of Hatari");
+			Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "Memory snapshot IPF data incompatible with this Hatari version -> skip");
 			MemorySnapShot_Skip( StructSize );	/* Ignore the IPF data */
 			return;				/* Continue restoring the rest of the memory snapshot */
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 Uint8 *IPF_ReadDisk(int Drive, const char *pszFileName, long *pImageSize, int *pImageType)
-	Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "This version of Hatari was not built with IPF support, this disk image can't be handled.");
+	Log_AlertDlg(LOG_ERROR, "Hatari built without IPF support -> can't handle disk image");
 	return NULL;

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