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This also works to change the underscore.  It took me a long time to find
the correct number.  Better reference to the keycode list in the example
keymap file would be helpful.

There are also some messages produced when the program is launched.  I
don't know whether these are important, but here they are:

Hatari v2.1.0, compiled on:  May  4 2018, 22:08:16
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
1870 CPU functions
cpu table lvl=0 , mode=4
Building CPU, 44274 opcodes (0 -2 1)
CPU=68000, FPU=0, MMU=0, JIT=0. prefetch and cycle-exact 24-bit
GEMDOS HDD emulation, C: <-> /home/vsnyder/Atari.
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
Illegal instruction: 4e7b at 00E0005E -> 00E00062
Bus Error at address $ffff8006, PC=$e0006a addr_e3=e0006e op_e3=4a78
CPU reset PC=e00076 (ROM memory)..
Illegal instruction: 4e7b at 00E0009C -> 00E000A0
Illegal instruction: 4e7b at 00E000D4 -> 00E000E8
Bus Error at address $ffff8282, PC=$e00156 addr_e3=e0015a op_e3=4a38
Bus Error at address $ffff8400, PC=$e00170 addr_e3=e00174 op_e3=4a38
Illegal instruction: 7300 at 00E0C546 -> 00E0C54E
Illegal instruction: 42c0 at 00E0045E -> 00E004B2
Bus Error at address $fffffa40, PC=$e00542 addr_e3=e00546 op_e3=4a78
Bus Error at address $ffff8400, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8282, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fffffa81, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8c80, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8e09, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8961, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8901, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff9201, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $ffff8a3c, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fff0001d, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fff0005d, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fff0009d, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fff000dd, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10
Bus Error at address $fffffe00, PC=$e00c24 addr_e3=e00c26 op_e3=4a10

I'm running with 14 MiB, but hatari sometimes says there isn't enough
memory to run the program.  When I had an ST, it was 4.5 MiB, and it
never produced this message when I ran some of the same programs that
today did produce it.

Van Snyder

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