Re: [hatari-devel] Basic cpu testsuite

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On Sonntag, 29. April 2018 15:41:37 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:
> IMHO the CMake changes for compiling the binaries could be skipped.

There might be some better way to add the targets so they only get compiled 
when doing "make test", i just couldn't figure it out. But the rules should be 
there, because specific tests may need specific compiler flags.

>My tests that are compiled with AHCC (NatFeats), support also
>other compilers (VBCC and GCC).  

But vbcc and ahcc don't support cross compilation. Also, i don't think it 
makes sense to write the assembler statements for testing the cpu emulation 
for lots of different compilers.

>because its default libc produces small binaries as-is.

That's why i added libcmini. The produced binaries should not be substantial 
larger than the ones of AHCC or PureC. Beside that, AHCC and its library are 
extremely buggy.

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