Re: [hatari-devel] Where to find a good version of the phaleon démo?

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I'm currently watching the phaleon demo from the link given by Thomas

Another remark : I'm using the main menu "Shadow of the beast) 1 meg ram .

When I move the character with the  left/right  keys, it quickly "slows and freeze" instead of running, as if a "keyboard buffer" is full or something like that. I have to stop pressing the arrow key and then, I can press it again.
If it's not clear, I can reexplain in french ;)

It's really great to see this demo again.


Le 07/04/2018 à 15:22, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 07/04/2018 à 14:25, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Sat, 07 Apr 2018 13:21:40 +0200
schrieb Laurent <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx>:


I've tested the phaleon démo (4disks). It's said to work in the
compatibility list but it doesn't for me.

I suspect my images to be broken. Where can i find working images ?

The demo is available here:

... and the description there says, that a protection has been removed
from the disks. So maybe your disks still contain that protection?


Could be, but on the other end Hatari should support those protections (note the gemdos HD emulation should be disabled in many cases for this to work).
Laurent, what version are you using ? Where do you downloaded it ?


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