Re: [hatari-devel] Compile time error on Linux

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Am Sun, 25 Mar 2018 09:10:00 +0200
schrieb Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi all,
> With the latest sources and libsdl 2.0.4 on Linux 4.15.9 I get this
> compile time error:
> [100%] Linking C executable hatari
> CMakeFiles/hatari.dir/hdc.c.o: In function `HDC_PartitionCount':
> hdc.c:(.text+0x183e): undefined reference to `SDL_SwapLE32'
> hdc.c:(.text+0x184d): undefined reference to `SDL_SwapLE32'

Ok, that's likely related to the SDL.h header clean-up that I did
yesterday. Does it work if you add a

#include <SDL_endian.h>

at the beginning of hdc.c ?

And if that does not help, could you try #include <SDL.h> there instead?


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