Re: [hatari-devel] Feature request/idea: cycle counting |
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Just enable profiling before you run the code, and you have the info
in the disassembly:
> profile addresses
# disassembly with profile data: <instructions percentage>% (<sum of instructions>, <sum of cycles>, <sum of i-cache misses>, <sum of d-cache hits>)
$00e007a2 : cmpi.w #$73,d0 0.53% (10311, 0, 0, 0)
$00e007a6 : bne.s $e007b0 0.53% (10311, 68795, 3453, 0)
$00e007a8 : jsr $e43ed8 0.53% (10311, 240558, 20622, 0)
$00e007ae : rte 0.53% (10311, 309330, 20622, 13748)
Only difference between these two commands is that "d" command is
missing the explanatory heading, and it lists also instructions
that haven't been run i.e. which are lacking the cycle information.
If you want cycles for just one loop round, set breakpoints
so that it gets run only once each time you continue.
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