Re: [hatari-devel] UAE 68030 MMU + prefetch + instruction and data cache emulation

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On 07/27/2017 09:15 PM, Toni Wilen wrote:
I just pushed update to winuae tree that adds yet another UAE CPU
emulation mode: 68030 MMU with prefetch pipeline, instruction and data
cache (Previously this was only available in non-MMU mode). Data cache
emulation is also improved.

Perhaps this is useful in Atari emulation too and if it is, hopefully it
also has better test cases :)

It is not very well tested (it seems to work with Amiga debugging
utilities, Amix and NetBSD 6, didn't bother to do more testing yet..)

It also isn't very optimized but that isn't important at this point.

I'm seeing following compiler warnings:

hatari/src/cpu/cpummu030.c: In function ‘m68k_do_rte_mmu030’:
hatari/src/cpu/cpummu030.c:2532:41: warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression [-Wsign-compare]
  mmu030_opcode = (ps & 0x80000000) ? -1 : (oc & 0xffff);
hatari/src/cpu/cpummu030.c: In function ‘m68k_do_rte_mmu030c’:
hatari/src/cpu/cpummu030.c:2794:41: warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression [-Wsign-compare]
  mmu030_opcode = (ps & 0x80000000) ? -1 : (oc & 0xffff);
hatari/src/cpu/cpummu030.c:2843:53: warning: signed and unsigned type in conditional expression [-Wsign-compare]
   regs.pipeline_stop = ((ps >> 20) & 15) == 15 ? -1 : (ps >> 20) & 15;

(In addition to the warnings from the FPU emulation code.)

	- Eero

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