Re: [hatari-devel] Resizable.

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Le 22/06/2017 à 21:08, Cocoa Pod a écrit :

For information, I'm adding a "Resizable" button in SDL2 options in xib (french & english) and associated code.

This is done and runs. But I've questions before send diff file.
-Is it possible to compile Hatari2 for SDL1.2x ?
-if yes what I have to do with these three buttons for sdl2 options ?

Yes, it's possible to compile hatari with sdl1, but for OSX it seems the general opinion is that SDL1 is not performing correctly performance-wise under OSX.

So I think you can consider that OSX version will always be compiled using SDL2 and it should not be a problem if OSX version doesn't compile with SDL1.


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