[hatari-devel] Re: [Emutos-devel] Aranym blitter |
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On 06/07/2017 10:33 PM, Thorsten Otto wrote:
Another thing that might explain why you had some success with Hatari:
static Uint16 Blitter_ReadWord(Uint32 addr)
Uint16 value;
/* When reading from a bus error region, just return a constant */
if ( STMemory_CheckRegionBusError ( addr ) )
value = (Uint16)get_word ( addr );
static void Blitter_WriteWord(Uint32 addr, Uint16 value)
/* Call put_word only if the address doesn't point to a bus error region
/* (also see SysMem_wput for addr < 0x8) */
if ( STMemory_CheckRegionBusError ( addr ) == false )
put_word ( addr , (Uint32)(value) );
So Hatari simply ignore access to invalid memory addresse in all cases. I
don't think that this is the right to do.
Looking at Hatari change history:
$ hg blame src/blitter.c | egrep -A8 'static.*Blitter_(Read|Write)Word'
$ hg log | grep -A4 5806:
$ hg diff 5806
You can see that it's a deliberate fix from 2015 by Nicolas.
It's even documented in start of blitter.c:
#define BLITTER_READ_WORD_BUS_ERR 0x0000 /* This value is
returned when the blitter try to read a word */
/* in a region that
would cause a bus error */
/* [NP] FIXME : for now
we return a constant, but it should depend on the bus activity */
And later in mid 2016, in commit 6278:
+ /* Only CPU will trigger bus error if bit S=0, not the blitter */
if(addr < 0x8 || (addr < 0x800 && !regs.s))
- return;
+ if ( BusMode == BUS_MODE_CPU )
+ {
+ M68000_BusError(addr, 0, BUS_ERROR_SIZE_WORD,
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If blitter writes < 0x8 then it should be ignored, else the
write should be made */
+ else if ( ( BusMode == BUS_MODE_BLITTER ) && ( addr < 0x8 ) )
+ return;
What's a bit unclear to me is:
- what happens on real hardware when accessing the word registers with byte
moves? That is not handled yet by aranym.
- what happens to the source address, when no data is read? is it stll
- Eero