Re: [hatari-devel] Testing "Transbeauce II" demo on 2/4 MB STF

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Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

> while recently running the Transbeauce II demo, I noticed it now fails 
> when using a different memory config than 512 KB or 1 MB.
> This is because Hatari now emulates the MMU at FF8001 and from looking 
> at the demo's code, it force MMU config to either 4 (512 KB) or 5 (1 
> MB), which will cause a crash when using 2 MB RAM banks.
> Could someone try this demo on a 2 or 4 MB STF to confirm it crashes too 
> (before the loader with the red balls appear) ?

As you might know, I have an STFm which can be switched between 1 MB and
4 MB. Thus, I can in fact confirm that the demo [1] crashes before the
red balls appear in the 4 MB setting, while the red balls do appear in
the 1 MB setting.
So Hatari now emulates this correctly.

[1] <>
Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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