Re: [hatari-devel] Bug in Gemdos emulation |
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On Saturday 04 March 2017 23:39:59 Roger Burrows wrote:
> To confirm, AFAIK, the only special filenames recognised by TOS are CON:,
> AUX:, PRN:.
You are right, sry. I always thought that this should work, but maybe it is
handled by the shell.
>Note that these may be upper case or lower case, but not mixed case
I can confirm that, too:
if (ncmps(5, p, "CON:") || ncmps(5, p, "con:"))
rc = 0x0000ffffL;
else if (ncmps(5, p, "AUX:") || ncmps(5, p, "aux:"))
rc = 0x0000fffel;
else if (ncmps(5, p, "PRN:") || ncmps(5, p, "prn:"))
rc = 0x0000fffdl;
ncmps() is similar to strncmp().