Re: [hatari-devel] FPU update

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Here is an updated version of the FPU tester (diagnostic version). I'll release an update to the original testing tool once this has settled.

This version splits the expectation data into sgl, dbl, ext format tests. The source operands and results for each use corresponding data sizes.

The tests are not completely symmetric - the sgl and ext tests implement fewer cases than dbl. There are a few reasons for this (some cases are less meaningful to duplicate - but time spent and space consumed are also factors...)

The fbcc tests are omitted from ext currently... If this is really important I can add it - but it's more fiddly to do than the others so I skipped it for now. Only 'brand' test variants are executed for ext format - mainly because I haven't generated tables for the others. 'brand' tends to find more errors anyway.

All trig ops have been placed under a conditional build flag, and are currently off, to save space.


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