Re: [hatari-devel] Support for a second ACSI drive

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Am Sun, 15 Jan 2017 15:21:20 +0100
schrieb Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi all,
> I'd appreciate if support for a second ACSI drive could be added. As
> far as I can tell the attached diff provides this support without
> losing backwards compatibility as far as configuration files are
> concerned. Any chance to get this added to the development tree?

Hatari can already use up to 8 ACSI drives, look for configs_Acsi in
configuration.c ... you've got to put them in a [ACSI] section in your
config file like this:

bUseDevice1 = TRUE
sDeviceFile1 = /path/to/harddisk.img
bUseDevice2 = TRUE
sDeviceFile2 = /path/to/harddisk.img
bUseDevice3 = TRUE
sDeviceFile3 = /path/to/harddisk.img

But it's not possible to configure them in the GUI yet...


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