Re: [hatari-devel] OSX Hatari icons (was: Version 2) |
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On 11/12/2016 08:26 PM, Thomas Huth wrote:
Considering that we have floppy images as .PNG files in the repository
already, would it be feasible to create the disk.icns file from the PNG
files automatically, so we don't have to carry the binaries twice in
the repo? According to
it should be possible to use iconutil to create icon files
automatically from PNG - could you maybe come up with some CMake rules
to do this job? That would be very appreciated!
Reading the linked documentation, icons need to have specific names
and reside within specific directory which is easy to do by copying.
However, there also needs to be some additional sizes:
and the 2x image files should 144 PPI setting whereas non-2x
ones should have 72 PPI setting.
PPI setting can be done with "convert" from ImageMagick:
convert -density 72 -units pixelsperinch 256x256/apps/hatari.png
convert -density 144 -units pixelsperinch 256x256/apps/hatari.png
The missing 16x16 size needs to be done by hand and is small,
so whoever does that should add it to Hatari repository.
512x512 and 1024x1024 (aka 512x512@2x) ones could be generated
from the SVG files, at run-time. Is there a good command line
SVG->PNG converter included with OSX?
- Eero