Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 2.0 release date

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On 11/02/2016 02:06 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
we're a little late on initial plan to release in end september, also I
will have less time in the next weeks to do a release (and Troed who can
provide the OSX build will be away too), so I think the release will be
made tomorrow.

I know the compatibility list in the falcon section has still many
games/demos to review to check state with Hatari 2.0, but I think we
will have to do with it anyway. There're too much items and in the end
I'm afraid it will be a mixed status depending on the cpu core.

Right.  I've now checked everything marked as having
issues with earlier versions of Falcon emulation, except
following Falcon games that I don't have:
- Humans
- Ishar 1,2,3

It would be nice if somebody could check those, and the ST & STe
demos marked as having issues with earlier Hatari versions.

I think we'd better spend some time on the falcon's list for next
version, when proper cycle accuracy will be used in Hatari for 68030.

For the schedule :
 - tuesday 3 : tag release in hg tree, build windows binaries
 - friday 4 : announce the release
 - friday 4 : if possible for Troed, build an OSX archive

So basically, if you have sthg to commit (doc or fix), do it before
tonight :)

IMHO at least the keyboard mapping (doc) fix should be there,
knowing what the UNDO and HELP keys is kind of important.

	- Eero

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