Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari manual

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The manual says "Check "Boot from HD" if you want Hatari to execute the
AUTO folder on the hard disk."

Take care


> Hi,
> On 10/22/2016 09:38 PM, Uwe Seimet wrote:
> > I noticed that the Hatari manual is not yet up to date as far as the
> > "Hard disks" settings are concerned.
> > Wouldn't it be better to rename the "Boot from HD" option to "Execute
> > AUTO folder", because this option is not really related to booting, but
> > to a later phase of the initialization process?
> What the option (eventually) does, is set TOS bootdev (0x446)
> value i.e. what is the boot drive.  It's not related to AUTO
> folder.
> 	- Eero

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