Re: [hatari-devel] Fix for Falcon's noisy sound

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Le 08/10/2016 à 00:51, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

I tested music playback applications from our compatibility list.

* GemPlay "AM" playback sounds good now (unlike earlier)

* AceMidi demo and AceTracker sound good despite frameskip of 1.
  In AceTracker case, also AM module playback sounds now good, at
  least until frameskip raises (i.e. my CPU is too slow for DSP emu).

* FlexTrax still has some awful loud noise in the background
  after one starts playing anything (even single notes). Full
  FlexTrax module playback is too heavy for my machine
  (it's constantly at max frameskip)

* FalcAMP MP3 playback still complains about DSP timeouts (-> no sound)

* FlaySID SID playback still works only for YM, DSP playback is silent

* Aniplay MP3 playback says that it cannot synchronize DSP and
  compat list says that this uses DMA + DSP


thanks for your tests, they confirm an improvement for DMA only sound ; the cases still not working were expected due to DSP/CPU cycles issues.

Note: right from boot, I get writepos warnings constantly.

Yes, this is because at start crossbar is reset but no source are sending data to the DAC, until you really start a program or demo, so the warning is always there.
I will remove the message later anyway, it's just a test for now.


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