Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon Sound |
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Le 08/10/2016 à 18:25, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
Le 07/10/2016 à 22:04, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :Hi can you try with the latest changes I pushed to dev tree ? In case it doesn't change anything, what game/demo doesn't work ?Yeah ! I have sound now. Don't forget to remove the printf ( stderr , "fix writepos %x (readpos %x)\n" , (dac.readPosition+DACBUFFER_SIZE/2)%DACBUFFER_SIZE , dac.readPosition ); it was slow down emulation!
Good news ! the printf will be removed, but I'm surprised it slows down the emulation though, it's only 50 prints per second.
By the way, are there any pending changes for the OSX UI that need to be pushed to the dev tree, or is it complete ?
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