[hatari-devel] Re: Cycle exact 68040/68060 mode in Hatari

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Le 13/09/2016 à 22:57, Thomas Huth a écrit :

	if (using_ce020 >= 3)
		return false;

Why is this code there? I have a hard time to understand the reason for
these two lines... don't we want to have a do_cycles_ce020_internal()
in cycle-excact 68040/060 mode?

Thanks for any help,


Toni certainly knows the details better than me and can elaborate, but IIRC some emails discussions we had, 68040/60 is a completely different beast regarding CE mode. While 68030 is very close to 68020, 68040/60 have more pipelines and can run some instructions in parallel, none of this being really documented (CE mode for 68020/30 was certainly not publicly documented either, but it took Toni so much time to make it work that I guess 40/60 would require a lot of time/ressource)

As the results would be far from cycle exact, maybe that's why CE mode is just disabled for 68040/60 and they often just take 1 cycle per instruction to "simulate" a much faster cpu.


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