Re: [hatari-devel] Xbios interception?

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On 04/23/2016 09:28 PM, Roger Burrows wrote:
On 23 Apr 2016 at 14:44, Eero Tamminen wrote:

On 04/21/2016 02:05 AM, Roger Burrows wrote:
The Atari debugger (distributed to developers) uses it.  See:
for documentation.

That implements (provides) the API, I was more interested about
whether there's anything that actually uses it, so that I could
test that Hatari's implementation works OK.

Is there any program that has left these calls into the production
version version of its binary that's still available?  Preferably
something where one can actually trigger calls to this API. :-)

TOS4 (for sure) and TOS3 I believe.

While those implement the API, I was actually interested about
something that *uses* them.  I.e. test-cases. :)

	- Eero

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