Re: [hatari-devel] TT palette issue

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Am Sun, 21 Feb 2016 09:06:32 +0100
schrieb Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi again,
> I'm afraid the very latest changes (last night) have again broken
> something. Now when I start Hatari in TT high a black screen is
> displayed.

Let me guess, you're also using the "VDI resolution" feature? In that
case Hatari does not use resolution 6 internally (which is the TT high
resolution), but resolution 0 (ST high) - and of course the code
then also used the TT palette registers for "duochrome" mode. But it
looks like TOS does not set up the palette in this case. I've "fixed"
it now so that the 1-bpp VDI resolution mode now also always uses a
fixed black-and-white palette, just like TT high res.


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