Re: [hatari-devel] TT palette issue

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On 02/15/2016 12:17 AM, Roger Burrows wrote:
OK, I've done the tests on my TT.

Thanks a lot for testing this!

The TT *doesn't* do it the same way as the ST/STe.
Byte writes (even or odd address) to either the STe
palette registers or the TT palette registers are
silently ignored.

Does ignored mean that the register value doesn't
change, or just that the color on screen doesn't

I can easily make it so that byte sized ST reg write
isn't mapped to TT registers, which Hatari uses to
actually change its own palette, but I don't know
how to block byte sized writes (and the old value
isn't anymore around so that it could be restored
to the register after the write).


Word accesses on word boundaries
are acted on (just verifying my code).

Working already. :-)

I didn't try unaligned


or long accesses.

I think those should work (like they now do), because
4getful TT-version is using them.

If you need the source/binary, let me know.

Why not, tests are always appreciated!

	- Eero

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