Re: [hatari-devel] No more sound

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I've done 2 things and now I have sound with the latest source :

I've manually reverted the commenting (was not suffisant)
I've also reverted to SDL 1.2 and that's OK.

But it seems that only revertng to SDL 1.2 or reverting the version.h files is not suffisant, I need both changes.

I'll dig more and tell you about my tries but at least, I've got sound for now.

I'll try the 5942 with SDL 2 also to see what it does.


Le 31/01/2016 23:12, David Savinkoff a écrit :
----- Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
I don't understand : I've also done it by hand :

   hg update 5942   is OK, I have sound
   hg update 5943   is KO, I have no sound.

tested with SDL 1.2 in both case, I have just recompiled.


Hi Laurent,

Do you get sound when you manually revert changeset 5943 ?
(re-comment the first define, and un-comment the second)
I was going to find grep the sources, but am too lazy.

diff -r e6f09bdcedfc -r 65c28383507f src/includes/version.h
--- a/src/includes/version.h	Sun Nov 01 22:52:34 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/includes/version.h	Mon Nov 02 16:50:20 2015 +0100
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  # define CPU_CORE_NAME "(OldUAE CPU core)"
-//#define PROG_NAME "Hatari v1.9.0-devel (" __DATE__ ") " CPU_CORE_NAME
+#define PROG_NAME "Hatari v1.9.0-devel (" __DATE__ ") " CPU_CORE_NAME
/* release */
-#define PROG_NAME "Hatari v1.9.0"
+//#define PROG_NAME "Hatari v1.9.0"

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