Re: Fwd: [hatari-devel] DSP Mandelbrot bug |
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Hi Andreas,
First, are you sure the resulting bad pixels don't appear on the real computer too ? (just to be sure). When I have a closer look at the trace, I can read : ; Previous loop p:0099 0af0a5 0000a1 (06 cyc) jec p:$00a1 ; New loop that seems to bug p:00a1 2000d8 (02 cyc) mpy +y0,x0,b Reg: b $00:4a0b9a:44a2c4 -> $00:2355a0:579062 Reg: sr $8040 -> $8050 p:00a2 20003a (02 cyc) asl b Reg: b $00:2355a0:579062 -> $00:46ab40:af20c4 Reg: sr $8050 -> $8040 ; Is the next one correct ? (we have b = $00:8... ) ? p:00a3 20003a (02 cyc) asl b Reg: b $00:46ab40:af20c4 -> $00:8d5681:5e4188 Reg: sr $8040 -> $8060 ; What worth Y1 value just below ? (I haven't found it in the trace) ; The problem may be here p:00a4 200078 (02 cyc) add y1,b Reg: b $00:8d5681:5e4188 -> $00:ae4c44:5e4188 ; Just below, we've got the "overflow" (7fffff) (into y0) ; The problem seem to be that the program copy $00:ae4c44:5e4188 into y0 and set it to $7fffff p:00a5 21e696 (02 cyc) mac -y0,y0,a b,y0 Reg: y0 $4e71df -> $7fffff Reg: a $00:19f86d:2f6242 -> $ff:e9e540:1a21c0 Reg: sr $8060 -> $8058 p:00a6 200032 (02 cyc) asl a Reg: a $ff:e9e540:1a21c0 -> $ff:d3ca80:344380 Reg: sr $8058 -> $8059 p:00a7 200060 (02 cyc) add x1,a Reg: a $ff:d3ca80:344380 -> $ff:fff376:344380 Reg: sr $8059 -> $8058 p:0096 21c498 (02 cyc) mpy +y0,y0,b a,x0 Reg: x0 $39a7ef -> $fff376 Reg: b $00:ae4c44:5e4188 -> $00:7ffffe:000002 Reg: sr $8058 -> $8040 p:0097 200080 (02 cyc) mpy +x0,x0,a Reg: a $ff:fff376:344380 -> $00:000001:3a74c8 Reg: sr $8040 -> $8050 p:0098 200018 (02 cyc) add a,b Reg: b $00:7ffffe:000002 -> $00:7fffff:3a74ca <-- Here KO ? Reg: sr $8050 -> $8040 p:0099 0af0a5 0000a1 (06 cyc) jec p:$00a1 Laurent Le 22/11/2015 10:24, Andreas Grabher a écrit : Update: |
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