Re: [hatari-devel] DSP addressing bug

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Hi Laurent, Andreas,

So, I've uploaded your patch for more tests.
Doug and the others, if you could test your favorite Falcon games / demos / utils with the latest patch, it would help.

Doug, is your current devs still work ?

I haven't tried any new builds yet - still using the one with your last patch Laurent. I can try a new one though.

Note that while I'm using the (Rn)+Nn / (Rn)-Nn modes with this 'feature', I'm not using (Rn+Nn) with it, so it remains untested by me.

I'm also using quite a specific set of values Mn=2, Nn=4 so this isn't exhaustive either.

I don't think anyone relies on the 'undefined' behaviour side of things. We'd have seen stuff break already if the mode had been used at all in the past, so the need to emulate it in some accurate way for future users seems minimal.


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