Re: [hatari-devel] DSP for Previous

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Le 06/10/2015 18:59, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
Hello Hatari Community!

Is there any recent work on the DSP side? I see my interrupt patches are not yet integrated. After using the new method in Previous for some time, i think it should be safe.
Anyway i have a least two known problems (maybe it is only one): One gives a black line in the middle of a mandelbrot fractal, the other one leads to heavy sound distortion when playing a special piece of DSP audio.

I posted a screenshot of the fractal and some debugger output some time ago.

Any help is welcome. If you have questions about the interrupt code, i'll be glad to answer them.


on my side, I resumed work on other parts at the moment (improving winuae cpu core integration for STF/STE).

Once this is done, I can take a look, but IIRC laurent said it would have a look too, and I think he knows this part better.


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