Re: [hatari-devel] Enabling NatFeats

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In the meantime reading and writing data works fine. I could successfully
partition a BD-RE medium with HDDRUTIL, and DISKUS can read and write data
from/to it. At least on my Linux system one does not have to be root for this
but just has to be in the "cdrom" group.
I would appreciate if my code could be added as an experimental feature
after the release of Hatari 1.9.0. The changes are minimal, basically
it's just a new C source file with its header file.

Take care


> Hi,
> On maanantai 17 elokuu 2015, Uwe Seimet wrote:
> > > What kind of NF functionality you were thinking of adding?
> > > Something related to networking?
> > 
> > See my previous posting. Would this be something interesting for Hatari?
> Potentially, although it's Linux-only.
> I guess normally that would require Hatari to
> be run as root too (or device files changed to
> be writable by normal user...).
> 	- Eero

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