Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari release for OSX |
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Le 02/06/2015 07:19, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
Le 01/06/2015 22:58, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :You need to configure Hatari with WinUAE CPU, run : ./configure --enable-winuae-cpu makeOk, that's fix it. Do we need to work on the old core (ie, having also 2 GUI-OSX Preferences windows), or the new winuae core is definitly the one to use ?
HiFor now the 2 cpu cores should still be used. This means UI for old core should be the same as 1.8.0, but when compiling with new winuae core UI should allow to set cpu to 68060 and to add some TT RAM.
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